Privacy Policy


We use your Collected Information to customize our Site’s content, layout and service for you and improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to analyze our site usage, to improve the overall usage. We may use your Collected Information to service investigate problems, resolve disputes regarding orders/sales or published information. We do not sell, rent, trade or exchange any personally identifying information of our Users. We may share certain aggregate information based on analysis of Collected Information with our partners, customers and advertisers. We may use your Collected Information for marketing campaigns and promotions on behalf of third parties; however, your Collected Information is not disclosed unless you respond to the marketing or promotion exercise.

Registration Information

We may use your Registration Information to provide services that you request or to contact you regarding additional services from Specifically, we may use your email address, mailing address, phone number to contact you regarding notices, surveys, product alerts, new service or product offerings and communications relevant to your use of our Site. We may generate reports based on the Registration Information for internal analysis, monitoring and marketing decisions.

Statistical Information

We use Statistical Information to help diagnose problems with and maintain our computer servers, to manage our Site, and to enhance our Site and services based on the usage pattern data we receive. We may generate reports and analysis based on the Statistical Information for internal analysis, monitoring and marketing decisions. We may provide Statistical Information to third parties, but when we do so, we do not provide personally identifying information without your permission.

Disclosure of Information

We reserve the right to disclose your Collected Information to relevant authorities where we have reason to believe that such disclosure is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be infringing or threatening to infringe, or who may otherwise be causing injury to or interference with, the title, rights, interests or property of, our Users, customers, partners, other web site users or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities.

We also reserve the right to disclose Collected Information in response to a subpoena or other judicial order or when we reasonably believe that law, regulation or administrative order of any court, governmental or regulatory authority, requires such disclosure.

If we have reason to believe that a User is in breach of the Terms of User Agreement or any other agreement with us, then we reserve the right to make public or otherwise disclose such User’s Collected Information in order to pursue our claim or prevent further injury to or others.


We use “cookies” to store specific information about you and track your visits to our Site. A “cookie” is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive. A cookie can be sent to your computer’s hard drive only if you access our Site using the computer. If you do not de-activate or erase the cookie, each time you use the same computer to access our Site, our web servers will be notified of your visit to our Site and in turn we may have knowledge of your visit and the pattern of your usage. Generally, we use cookies to identify you and enable us to access your Registration Information or Publishing Information so you do not have to re-enter it; gather statistical information about usage by Users; research visiting patters and help target advertisements based on User interests; assist our partners to track User visits to the Site and process orders; and track progress and participation in promotions.

Third Party Links

When you click on any third party links on our web page, they may direct you away from our site. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites and encourage you to read their privacy statements.

Amendment to Privacy Policy

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be communicated through our posting an amended and restated Privacy Policy on our Site. Our posting the amended and restated Privacy Policy will make such new Privacy Policy immediately effective. You do agree that all Collected Information, (whether or not collected prior to or after the new policy became effective) will be governed by the latest Privacy Policy in effect. If you do not agree to the new changes in our Privacy Policy, you should contact in writing and specifically request that return and/or destroy all copies of all or part of your Collected Information in possession.